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‘Outreach’ is a term that is often used but rarely defined. It applies to many policy fields, including education and health services, and essentially entails services being taken out from their normative and mainstream institutional settings and being provided in local community settings. In the welfare-to-work arena, outreach services are used to:
1. Develop the lives of the rural people
2. Engage rural communities.
3. Deliver welfare-to-work services in local settings and environments.
Outreach services may also be defined as those that draw on partnerships and networks with other service providers to deliver and promote welfare-to-work services in local communities. Outreach services can be employed to raise the profile of (more mainstream) services and inform potential communities of the provision and help that is available to them. Outreach services can also be used to reach and engage a specific group of people and those who do not tend to use mainstream services, i.e., those people who are ‘harder to reach.’ Outreach provision can then be used as a means of delivering welfare-to-work services to these communities, away from mainstream settings and in more informal and relaxed surroundings.
1. To launch necessary reforms in the community for eradication of community evils.
2. To create sound ground for planning and action.
3. To create a sense of cooperation, integration, and unity among the people.
4. To motivate the people to take better participation in developing community programs.
5. To highlight the causes of various problems affecting the community and hindering the way of progress and development.
6. To implement programs required for the fulfillment of people’s basic needs and to develop a better understanding among the people about the issues and needs.
7. To mobilize the resources to create a suitable ground for the completion and eradication of the basic needs of problems by bringing coordination between the individuals, groups, and organizations to focus their point and challenge their objectives for fulfillment.
8. Develop a passion and brotherhood towards community, affected people/animals, and destitute.
9. To train the students to develop skills and aptitude for problem-solving. The skills developed include social skills, communication skills, management skills, leadership skills, analytic skills, perceptual skills, etc.
For the students to acquire social values and a deep understanding of unity, integrity, and brotherhood of the country and come out as socially committed responsible professionals who can strengthen the foundation of the nation.